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Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection

 ZO ČSOP Veronica works in the field of nature and landscape conservation on several levels – from practical conservation of specific species and habitats up to comments on strategic documents concerned with this topic.

Concepts, studies, biological assessment, environmental impact evaluations

ZO ČSOP Veronica took part in elaborating the so-called Shadow list of Natura 2000. According to EU Birds Directive and EU Habitat Directive the lists contain suggestions on the most precious habitats deserving conservation. Veronica as a part of the Coalition for Natura 2000 participates in the Shadow Monitoring. Veronica in cooperation with WWF also became involved in the formation of section publications on the risks and possibilities of financing the conservation of nature in the Carpathian region (Seizing opportunities to support nature conservation and local development in the Carpathian Mountains download pdf in English).

Veronica is the only subject engaged in the Czech Republic in the international initiative Countdown 2010 aiming at stopping the decrease of the world biodiversity.

Practical nature conservation

Practical nature conservation is a conservation in the sense of Act 114/92 Coll., other national legal regulations and EU regulations, eventually international documents. They are practical measures directly serving particularly to conservation of protected species and habitats. Together with other organizations Veronica provides spare nest pads for the white stork, nesting boxes for other bird species, nesting boxes for bats and care for handicapped animals. Besides, Veronica annually organizes the European Night for Bats, the sale of Christmas silver firs in flowerpots and their spring planting in the woods around Brno. We are also engaged in the protection of amphibians during their migration, protection of reptiles and protection of bats in their summer colonies and winter sites. In recent years we have also been taking care of the aesculapean snake in the National Park Podyjí.

Territorial systems of ecological stability in the city of Brno

We have been engaged in detailed mapping of the situation of territorial systems of ecological stability (ÚSES) and public lawns and plantings in Brno in general. We contribute to the discussion about municipal biodiversity at conferences, panel discussions or seminars with the representatives of city districts and the municipal council and also in the form of articles and excursions for the public. In the form of volunteering we help to maintain the important Brno biocentre by planting trees, mowing meadow vegetation, etc.

Ecosystem services

In cooperation with the international organization CEEWEB we became involved in the project of promotion of the services of ecosystems. The ecosystem services may be divided into backup services, supplying, regulatory and cultural services. Some people think that nature conservation is a luxury which brings nothing practical. Therefore we issued a publication called Nature Services, which was concurrently issued in six other languages. This booklet is to explain in a comprehensive way and on practical examples to the public what services nature brings to us. Those examples also clearly demonstrate that nature, in addition to proper (intrinsic) value and aesthetic value has a quite essential importance for people.

Promotion in the media

We issue press releases and publish results of our activity. We popularize our topics by means of theatre performances, seminars, compound nights, round tables, etc.

Web page about Nature and Landscape Protection Program in Czech


© ZO ČSOP Veronica – Last updated 26. 9. 2024