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Green procurement – sustainable administration

Green public procurement is a short term for environment-friendly behaviour of institutions financed from public funds, e.g. local, municipal or regional offices, schools, preschools and day care homes. It involves system measures focused particularly on operation and behaviour (e.g. duplex printing of documents, drawing the sun-blinds) and shopping. Green shopping is such shopping or supplying which respects the impact of selected goods and services on the environment. Such products are to be purchased the negative impact of which is as low as possible. Criteria which are taken into account involve recyclability, biological decomposition, material and energy demandingness of production, health harmlessness, transport distance from producer to consumer, etc.

Why should we struggle for environment-friendly operation

  • Reduction of environment burden thanks to environment-friendly goods and services
  • Demand raises the availability of environment-friendly products in the market
  • Example for other citizens, other authorities, companies
  • Promotion of launching and further distribution of environment-friendly products
  • Stimulation of ecological innovation of products
  • May imply saving of costs
  • Healthier environment for workers and visitors

Within the framework of green public procurement we try to introduce environment-friendly behaviour of authorities and institutions financed from public budgets. We provide consultations of possible measures, make audits of authorities, propose improvements, issue publications and information prints. We closely cooperate with the Czech Eco-Counselling Network.

Web page about Green Household, Green Office Program in Czech


© ZO ČSOP Veronica – Last updated 26. 9. 2024