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Green Household

Not only large businesses, agriculture or power engineering but also every household or office are responsible for the state of the environment. households and private automobile transport have about one third share in the environment pollution. Our everyday behaviour at home as well as at work directly affects and influences our environment. We consider as crucial that consumer’s behaviour changed towards eliminating the impact on the environment is crucial..

In Green household, green public procurement or company the Ecological Institute Veronica focuses particularly on the questions of prudent shopping, green paperwork – sustainable public administration, waste minimizing and correct waste disposal. We seek to change consumer’s behaviour via education (publishing, great events for the public) or implementation of positive measures in institutions or individual municipalities.

Green household

Within the framework of environment-friendly households we pursue the topic of prudent shopping and prudent working of households, see our general ten of household ecology. Each year we advise thousands of citizens, organize information campaigns, issue publications and leaflets. Main spheres: wastes, washing, cleaning and tidying up, organic food, clothing, Christmas shopping, nappies, etc.

Web page about Green Household in Czech


© ZO ČSOP Veronica – Last updated 26. 9. 2024